
Scratch that beat matching itch in Beat Repeat, out now on iOS.

A fusion of both rhythm and memory, this fresh take on the beat matching genre, is sure to delight and frustrate players in equal measure!

Watch the Official Launch Trailer here:

25th November, 2022 – Sherpa Reynolds is proud to present; Beat Repeat, a rhythm game of the Call & Response type formula. It's a nod towards game like; PaRappa the Rappa, and the Rhythm Tengoku series, but delivered it in it's own unique style. This sets it apart from the tile based music games that are more prevalent on mobile, offering something new to explore for those who already consider themselves rhythm masters, whilst potentially opening up the genre to a wider audience alike.

Tactile and expressive, the very act of responding to the sequences is a joy in itself, every interaction being met with a visual and audible flourish. This should keep players going when the going gets tough (which it inevitably will), offering them some satisfaction even in defeat. Thankfully the fine-tuned feedback system ensures frustration is never aimed at the game itself, and that internal knowledge/dilemma, knowing a challenge is never too far beyond them, is what sets the game up perfectly for quick-fire repeated plays.

Evolving as players progress, new elements are introduced along the way, ensuring they don't stand still for long, and can keep finding their level. There is also plenty of opportunity for players to inject some of their own personality, with a multitude of items ready to be unlocked and equipped. Beyond a cosmetic change, this customisation may even give a competitive edge, so finding the right combo could be key!

A number of updates are planned and on the way, the first of which is expected to come early December and set to introduce; Power Ups, Enhanced Scoring, Even Greater Feedback, and more! Until then, players can get comfortable with the core concepts in Classic Mode, before stretching themselves further with the (sometimes) frantic Arcade Mode, that throws Missions and the dazzling Hazards into the mix. Both surprising and testing, there will be plenty of ways to repeat the beat!

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For all related enquiries:
David McNab – Designer/Developer at Sherpa Reynolds
Email :

About Sherpa Reynolds

Sherpa Reynolds is an independent video game developer based in the U.K. What started out as a team competing in the prestigious games competition; ‘Dare To Be Digital’, back in 2008, has now become the platform for David McNab (one of the founding members), to publish projects under. With a focus on audio driven experiences, the aim is to try new things and put twists on old things alike. There are still a great many plans for the studio, with another project; 'Flights Of Fancy' also currently in the works. Expect to hear more on that in the not too distant future.

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