
Announcing GunTneR, a 24kb NES Cartridge Shooter Game



Langel Bookbinder is presently developing a video game for the original 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System. GunTneR, an open-source “shoot-em-up” project, has a simple goal: try to make the biggest gaming experience with the smallest programming space ever available for the console. To help make this endeavor possible, a Kickstarter was launched upon the Earth. The campaign was fully funded within 25 hours and continues to exceed expectations.


Bookbinder, infamous for running chiptune website Battle of the Bits for 16+ years, is applying all their retro gaming and software engineering skills to this project for the next six weeks or “until it feels done.” GunTneR’s Kickstarter campaign has just entered its final week for pledges.


Kickstarter campaign link here:


Easy/lazy (quote/re)tweet for glorious social media promotion here:

…also its a thread full of recent developments over the past couple weeks!


Langel Bookbinder displaying their unbridled excitement for the project!