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Weekly Votes for Game Development World Championship 2021 Launch!

For immediate release on March 22th.

Game Development World Championship (GDWC) has launched the Fan Favorite category Weekly Votes for 2021. This year’s votes have been updated as there will be 9 games up for vote each week instead of the previous 6. GDWC will also celebrate the votes by organizing a raffle for all voters!

Weekly Votes will start each Monday and run the whole week until a new vote launches. Winning game from each vote will move on to the Final Fan Favorite vote at the end of the GDWC 2021 and will compete for the victory of the Fan Favorite Category.

This week's voting nominees are:

- Dreaming Dimension: Deck Heroes by Loongcheer Game (China)
- Oath by Hermit (USA)
- Oona, the druid´s path by Astro Pup Games (Spain)
- RoboPhobik by Haruneko Entertainment (Italy)
- S.U.M. - Slay Uncool Monsters by Doomster Entertainment (Sweden)
- Soulestination by Zaxiquej (China)
- Stories of Liane by Gearshift Media (USA)
- SUKAKKO by PetRem Labs (Switzerland)
- Time Jumper by Time Jumper (USA)

You can check out the games and vote for your favorite at the GDWC website at https://thegdwc.com

GDWC Weekly Vote Trailer:

Game Development World Championship Website:
http://thegdwc.com ;

GDWC Weekly Vote Website:
http://thegdwc.com ;

For more information contact:
Olli Mäntylä, The GDWC Manager