보도 자료

Three new screenshots Rauniot adventure game

Rauniot is an isometric post-apocalyptic point and click adventure game which takes place to Northern Finland near Saana fjeld.

ABOUT Act Normal Games

Act Normal Games is an independent Finnish game company driven forward by big eternally burning passion to post-apocalyptic themes and games.


Heikki Pulkkinen

Links and contact

Presskit: http://actnormalgames.com/press/index.php
Web company: http://actnormalgames.com
Web game: http://rauniotgame.com/
Facebook: http://facebook.com/ActNormalGames
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ActNormalGames
Youtube: youtu.be/bfClteVFEdM
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1168490/Rauniot/
Mail: blast@actnormalgames.com